Electronic Music Hard Dance Hardstyle

Killshot and Nolz – Rauwdouwer

Languages are weird. Some languages sound quite aggressive in a regular tone, so when you really know how to stress the most aggressive bits, things go off the walls! Start it off with a few cliche gangster notes that are simple yet repetitive. You’ll start walking funny, feel like the king of the world, feel rebellious, feel like shooting someone…Okay, please don’t do bad stuff, but, you get the idea.

Of course, that’s merely what the track starts with to really hook people in, before it explodes with the roughest kicks. Good things come to those who wait. The kicks that come in at some point aren’t harsh in a sense that there’d be a high-pitch that would pierce your eardrums in an unpleasant way. In fact, it acts like the rough sandpaper that caresses freshly cut wood, or the smooth coffee that awakes and soothes those addicted to it. It perfectly satisfies the craving of Hardstyle lovers like me.

If you’re not keen on having Hardstyle mixed with other genres, like how some people don’t like fluff in fiction, or how some people don’t want anything else with their shots, this might turn you off from the beginning. However, if you ever hear the main bit played in a set, you might skip to the good part and give it another chance. It might be worth it!

‘Rauwdower’ was released as part of Nolz’s new album, ‘Nocturnolz’, on the 11th of May 2018 via record label Minus is More.