
The following is a list of labels/artists/organisations that Angie is currently receiving tracks from.

Please let Angie know if you have been sending her tracks, but don’t see your label on the list.

For a faster way to check whether your label is on this list, press Ctrl+F or command+F on your keyboard and type in the name.

Island Records Australia and Motto Beats (under Universal Music Australia)
Warner Music Australia (Neon Records)
Scantraxx Records
Fusion Records
PACHA Recordings
Black Butter Records
Incepto Music (inc. Incepto Deep)
House Mag Records
Trance All-Stars Records (inc. Beyond The Stars Recordings, Liquid Energy Digital and Cinesphere Records)
Fuzion Four Records (inc. Solid Black Recordings)
Uplifting Music
Reclublic Recordings
Arrant Records
SYMB Records
Slavin Records
Reoralin Records
Microbios Records
Easy Summer
Cold Breath
Easy Summer Group
Green Valley Records
BOX4JOY Records
Rytone Entertainment
V I F Recordings
Of Leisure
Dear Deer Records